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Soc651 Multivariate Analysis of Social Science Data
Fall 2015This class deals with techniques referred to broadly as multivariate methods. We focuses on how these methods can be used to transform a set of related variables into a smaller number of more fundamental measures. This is sometimes referred to as "scaling". Examples of how these methods might be used include: multiple tests scores used to create a measure of ability; using variables for exposure to cultural events to create a scale of cultural capital; using questions about interactions with people having a mental illness to create a measure of social distance. Creating scales is often a critical first step in data analysis. Too often a simple summated scale, presented along with Crohnbach's alpha, is all that is done, possibly obscuring as much as it reveals. After reviewing methods such as multidimensional scaling, principal components, and cluster analysis, we focus on latent structure analysis (LSA). LSA includes exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, latent class analysis, item response models, and structural equation modeling. Assignment will involve exercises applying these models to real data. Feel free to email me at jslong at indiana dot edu with questions. Prerequisites: Students need a prior course on the linear regression model and a course on models for categorical outcomes. This web page serves as the syllabus for the class· Policies and logistics · Workflow · Computing and data · Getting help · · Books · Resources · FTP downloads · Getting ready · NewsPolicies and logistics
Workflow for reproducible resultsAn essential part of being an effective researcher is having a workflow to organize your efforts and allow others to reproduce your results. Since this is a class in applied data analysis, a portion of your grade is based on the workflow you use in completing your assignments. More general information and a detailed treatment of workflow is available at Long’s workflow page and his book The Workflow of Data Analysis Using Stata. For this class you are not required to implement the full workflow from the book, but must follow the guidelines provided in class. Computing and data
Getting helpIf you need help debugging a program, the best thing is to place relevant files on the LAN in the subdirectory called \_Students\_Help\<username> (e.g., \LAN\_Students\_Help\jslong Scott Long). Include the do-file, the dataset, and log file in text format, not smcl. Please follow the guidelines below or it is much less likely that you will get a quick and helpful answer. For further details on getting help, check here.
capture log close // Scott Long - 2011-08-31 // #1: load data and check data // #2: estimate logit // #3: compute discrete change log close Books and lecture notesLecture notes: PDFs will be put on the LAN. Bring paper or electronic copies to class. Required. Required: Analysis of Multivariate Social Science Data, Second Edition by Bartholomew, Steele, Moustaki, and Galbraith. If you have the first edition, that should be fine (as long as you don't mind searching a bit when I refer to a specific page number). The 2nd edition adds multiple regression, a brief discussion of the SEM (structural equation model), and an introduction to multilevel models. (amazon.com) Recommeded: Latent Class and Latent Transition Analysis by Collins and Lanza. We will be using their software for LCA as well. (amazon.com) Recommended: The workflow of data analysis. (WF at www.stata.com $52 plus shipping; amazon.com for $61). If several people order from Stata, shipping is much more reasonable. Highly recommended for you work in graduate school Optional: Confirmatory Factor Analysis: A Preface to LISREL by Scott Long is an old but remarkable book on the confirmatory factor model. It has a great deal of detail on information on identification. (CFA at amazon.com Optional: Structural Equations with Latent Variables by Ken Bollen is the most comprehensive book available on the structural equation model treated in Chapter 11 of AMSSD. (SELV at amazon.com ResourcesThe AMSSD site has datasets and sample chapters that you can download. Collins and Lanza book site for data, software, publications. Montoring the Future data from Collins and Lanza book. The Mplus site has a lot of extremely valuable information. The examples there along with the discussion formum is often more helpful than the official manual. The Workflow site has supplementary information for the Workflow book. Getting ready for Soc651There are several things you can do to get ready for the class.
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