I get hundreds of e-mails each year related to the SPost project with Jeremy Freese and I expect to receive e-mail about the Workflow project. While I would like to reply to everyone who contacts me, my time is limited. Before contacting me, please consider the following:
1) Is your version of Stata and the ado files for Workflow up to date? For details, help update.
2) Have you re-read the relevant sections of the Workflow book and checked the Stata manual?
3) If you want me to look at your problem, send me:
3a) a small, self-contained do file that illustrates the problem
3b) a small dataset used by the do-file (please, no files larger than 50K)
3c) the log file in text format (if it is smcl, I won't be able to answer the question).
4) On the subject line of your message, start with the word WORKFLOW.
Thanks. Scott